Pitching fintech to healthcare providers

Pitching fintech to healthcare providers

Healthcare-focused fintechs can’t just adopt a one-size-fits-all strategy, and instead have to tailor their approaches according to the office and department.

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Three ways fintech is shaping healthcare

Three ways fintech is shaping healthcare

While the healthcare industry visibly innovates through pharmaceutical research, new medical devices, as well as telehealth, the financial technology undergirding this sector has seen relatively less progress over the past decades.

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AI and the future of financial advisors with Q.ai

AI and the future of financial advisors with Q.ai

According to Jason Mountford, Trend Analyst at Q.ai, the use of artificial intelligence in the financial advisor space is “an untapped area.”

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How regulation shapes financial-advisor fintech

How regulation shapes financial-advisor fintech

Though financial advisors have existed in various forms over the centuries—as accountants, lawyers, bankers, and others—the financial planning field has, since its genesis, been a standardized and compliance-oriented space.

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Marketing fintech solutions to financial advisors

Marketing fintech solutions to financial advisors

Despite the growing popularity of robo-advisors like Wealthfront as well as the proliferation of other automated tools to manage consumers’ wealth, the financial-advisor space is poised to grow 15% by 2031—a sizeable increase for a job that already hires more than 300,000 people in the US alone.

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Cloud-based banking ops with Finacle

Cloud-based banking ops with Finacle

According to Rajashekara V. Maiya, VP and Head of Product Strategy at Infosys Finacle, a suite of variables have pushed banks and fintechs toward cloud-based operations.

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Rules for fintechs using the cloud

Rules for fintechs using the cloud

From data-structuring requirements to cybersecurity imperatives, product and ops teams have to solve for a range of priorities across the development and implementation stages.

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What the cloud means for fintech marketing

What the cloud means for fintech marketing

From confidence in scalability to improvement- and process-oriented mindsets, the cloud can transform fintech marketing in its image:

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Cloud computing as a product culture with Human Interest

Cloud computing as a product culture with Human Interest

According to Abhi Mishra, CTO at Human Interest, part of Human Interest’s work is to ensure that retirement benefits don’t distract SMBs from their core work, especially since these businesses are often overburdened to begin with.

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Nonprofits boost the economy, but they desperately need banking help

Nonprofits boost the economy, but they desperately need banking help

In an OpEd for The Financial Revolutionist, Daniel Grunstein, Co-Founder and CEO of Crowded, an open banking solution for nonprofits, outlines the financial challenges nonprofits face, details how nonprofits contribute to the US financial landscape, and explains the personal history behind Crowded’s mission.

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What open banking means for operations with FIS

What open banking means for operations with FIS

According to John Stuckey, Senior Director, Product – Retail Solutions at FIS, a commitment to embedded finance and connectedness reflects FIS’s “very bullish” attitude to open banking and other integrated solutions.

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Preparing for open banking with Pinwheel

Preparing for open banking with Pinwheel

According to Kurtis Lin, Pinwheel’s CEO and Founder, the company’s work, including endeavors therein supported by Raj Date in an advisory role, help ensure that open banking as outlined in Section 1033 of the Dodd Frank Act actually comes to fruition.

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The public pitch for open banking

The public pitch for open banking

What strategies will banks adopt over the course open banking’s launch? And what new power dynamics will arise?

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What open banking means for fintech product development

What open banking means for fintech product development

With regulatory changes impending, what can fintechs do to build out their products in open banking-friendly ways? 

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How aging workforces will shape fintech ops

How aging workforces will shape fintech ops

What happens as the median age of fintech founders and employees increases? How will that shape fintech writ large—especially fintechs’ operations?

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